Support Us

We are an all-volunteer, donation-driven, pro-life ministry supporting women and families to choose life and thrive through pregnancy and beyond. 


 How you can help…


The faithful, financial support of our partners keeps our doors open so we can continue bringing hope and care to women and families in crisis. With Child Center is a 501c(3). All donations are tax-deductible.

Ways to give:

  • One-time gift

  • Monthly, recurring support

  • Arizona Charitable Tax Credit (QCO Code 20301)

  • Church or small group

Donate Supplies

We need new and gently used items for our baby store. Donations can be dropped off at our center during any business hours.

Here are our current needs:

  • Diapers (Sizes 5 and 6 needed)

  • Baby Wipes

  • Formula

  • Infant Clothes

  • Maternity Clothes

  • Baby furniture (changing tables, high chairs, swings, bouncy seats, etc.)

  • Flats of bottled water


*SPECIAL NEED: We need Spanish-speaking volunteers to translate!

Our all-volunteer staff is the heart and hands of our loving work. We need administrative volunteers, advocates and class teachers! Please fill out our application form to be considered as a With Child Center volunteer!


We believe in the power of prayer. Sign up to be part of our prayer team. You will be updated regularly on specific prayer needs for women and families in crisis.

Our Story

With Child was founded in 1985 by a small, yet passionate, group of people in Glendale, AZ who recognized the need to help those facing an unplanned pregnancy. The purpose then and now is to help a pregnant woman in crisis to understand and work through the alternatives, enabling her to make an informed decision concerning the outcome of her pregnancy.

With Child recognizes the value of all human life, from conception onward.  With Child recognizes that each woman is responsible for their own decisions, but strives to provide accurate information about the alternate ways of coping with an unplanned pregnancy.

In 1990, With Child became a conduit for birth parents who wish to place their child for adoption and adoptive couples who wish to parent.  With Child is not an adoption agency, but a help to those seeking a private adoption. 

Over the years With Child has expanded to include a program called Earn While You Learn in which clients earn points for needed baby items. We also provide free pregnancy testing and, if needed, a proof of pregnancy form for DES.

With Child is staffed by a group of volunteers who love the Lord and love the people they serve.